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"A Half-Life movie based on Gordon Freeman would suck. But this short film - the first in a series - is not about Gordon Freeman. And, what do you know, it doesn't suck, either.

Directed by The Purchase Brothers, Escape From City 17 was supposedly shot with "no money, no time, no crew, no script, [and] the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500". So they did a few thousand bucks' worth of work for free, then, because for a fan movie, this is freakin' amazing."


As a fan of Half-Life series, I liked this video especially given the budget and timeframe they had to work with. I like how it's set in the Half-Life universe, but it's not about Gordon Freeman. Seeing as the guy never speaks, I like seeing similar events happening, but from different prospectives instead of trying to mess with what's already established from the games. I enjoyed the Half-Life expansions (Opposing Force and Blue Shift) for a similar reason, they gave two different viewpoints of the downfall of Black Mesa.

I really wonder what Valve would think about this if they saw it. It'd be pretty cool if they linked it in a weekly update.

Ugh, watching this has made me sad now..... I want Episode 3