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What's really amazing is how good developers made their games look on the 'Outdated' PS2 hardware towards the release of the PS3. Heck, they're still pumping out gergeous games on the PS2! Having said that, the gamecube has quite a few games that can give it's rival a run for the money, in my opinion. 

Metroid series, Twilight Princess, Pikmin 2, F-zero, Resident Evil, SW Rouge squadron 3, Star Fox Adventures, ect...

To OP: Yes, I've probably been a hypocrite more than I'd like to admit.

Person 1: Does Valkyria Chronicles have trophies?
Person 2:  No.
Person 1: Forget it. I'm not buying it.
Person 2: Wait! It's amazing! Unique, charming, drop dead gorgeous... Hello?