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@lestatdark ,yes i see now my first gaming machine was a commodore 64 i bought it secondhand off a 12 year old boy it was selling for 250 dollars with 200 games about 50 boxed the rest "copies " 3 good joysticks and what set it apart from others being sold in the classified adds was apart from about twice as many games it came with the top of the line action replay cartridge brand new costing a $100 by itself i got a lot of enjoyment out of it including my favourite c64 game that i played with my girlfriend and two other girls that shared a unit with me at uni it was M.U.L.E i then sold it with 600 games and bought an amiga loved playing many wonderful games on it to many to mention them all but some where dungeon master ,Stunt car racer, syndicate & populous games hired guns and liberation:captive 2 then sold the amiga with about 200 boxed games and 500 copied games to help buy my ps1 I'm sure that the ps1 got a large boost especially in PAL regions from people like myself looking for a new games machine and not wanting to move to systems that where perceived as rivals to the amiga and the ps1 fitted that bill perfectly so that's some of my gaming history .
PS, yes copies is a euphemism for piracy but that is how it was in Australia at that time with a lot of titles hard to get and new ones costing sixty dollars. The only pirated games i own now are dreamcast games a friend used to download them by satellite make full colour prints of the front and back covers not that cheap washed out look you See on most pirated stock and sell them but he gave me one of every game he had ,all the rest are legit and thats how its going to stay

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot