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Kasz216 said:
Gelmer said:
There needs to be a ranking system for Sony fanboys

Rank One: "Sony Soldier" - Exclusively supports PS3 and Blu-Ray.
Rank Two: "Sony Warrior" - Considers 'HOME' a game.
Rank Three: "Six-Axis Warchief" - Is excited about Killzone2 after having actually played Killzone 1.
Rank Four: "Six-Axis Wargoth" - Thinks Six-Axis is a good thing.
Rank Five: "4D Elite" - Bought Lair and loved it.
Rank Six: "4D God" - Will actually buy the PS-Eye.
Rank Seven: "Miyamoto Slayer" - Thinks the PS3 will dominate this generation.

The PS-Eye could be great.  I mean who the heck thought the Wiimote woudl be so cool anyway?  I didn't until I actually played a game with it.

The Wii mote allows you to add a new dimension to a concept you're already familiar with in video games, playing the game, in otherwords its expanding upon something that is common ground, the video game controller.

The PSEye is its own facet altogether, alien to both the conecpt of controller and gameplay acting as an extraneous addition to the experience, not an enhancement there of. it just records you/your motions/inanimate objects and puts it in the game, I'm sorry but that's far more limiting in what it sounds and far less versatile in application than the wiimote which is just a furthering of an readily accepted function of gaming, the controller. The fact the only thing they could come up with to push the device is a card game doesn't bode terribly well for its universiality either, I don't care how good a card game it is either, if its not a pre-existing card game people are just going to ignore it with the exception of the few who want to make the concept work and kid themselves this watered down experience of what they see happen in the beloved Yu-Gi-Oh cartoons is really worth the expenditure.


Sign the Resident_Evil_5_Petition for a Wii release or Dark_Samus is going to come get you.