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I wonder if the people who post quickly to things like this, bragging about how they didn't actually read the thing but know it's garbage anyways, know how it makes them look?

OT: I'll salt it to taste, like all of Malstrom's writing--you almost get the feeling that he sees zero value in the things most people would call "cultured" (in one context or another), like Opera, or Metal Gear Solid. A step too far.

But it's certainly true that people often define themselves according to their preferred culture and look down their noses at those outside of it. They even think it a virtue to be *ignorant* of what the great unwashed might find of value in an American Idol, Harry Potter, or Wii Sports: not, "I don't agree with those who love them," but "I can't understand why they love them... and I don't want to!"