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Pharaoh said:
KatinJin said:

Obviously I'm not saying Rush Limbaugh is orchestrating the "Killzone 2" backlash backlash, or that there's really any crossover between Sony fanboys and Republicans (except perhaps the fact that they've both been supporting losing causes for the past few years ).


How is Sony fanboys supporting a losing cause?  The PS3 sold faster to 20 million than the 360, and at a higher price.  It was out a year later, I don't get how people still think that the PS3 is in bad shape, its in great shape!

Oh and Obama isn't the "light" as someone called him

you know getting to 20 million first means nothing when the 360 has gained significantly on the PS3 over the last few months.


The PS3 isn't doing bad right now but it certainly isn't doing great.