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Mr Khan said:
Soma said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
Soma said:
patjuan32 said:
*~Onna76~* said:
" Nintendo hired a company to figure out how to sell more games to Wii owners - Nintendo saying that Wii owners not buying many games, just playing Wii Sports"

Then stop making commercials with Wii Sports / Wii Fit, Nintendo and start making commercials with other games! I'm tired of the stupid "happy family" ccommercial stuff.


Dude, Matt makes stuff up. Why would Nintendo hire a company to sell software when they are selling more software than they've sold during the Gamecube and N64 generations. At the end of the life span of the Wii, Nintendo will more likely have sold more software than the combination of the Gamecube and the N64.


Matt didn't said that, was Daemon. He said he talked to one of the people that works on that company hired by Nintendo. It0s true the Wii is selling software, but it's also true that a lot of people don't. Even some gamers still think the Wii is only for "casuals" and don't know all the games available.


Its also true that these Third Party companies gave Nintendo the cold shoulder from the beginning and now are using that 'Nothing but Nintendo games and casual games sell' as an excuse to explain why they haven't tried to make an effort on the Wii (or any console since the SNES).

And its also true that Matt and his team have been making ever-increasing jabs and Nintendo and their 'strategy' this gen with each 'Wii' game that has come out. Reaching its peak in dropping all professionalism at any mention of Wii Music.

Yes, third parties didn't expected the Wii to perform so well. They bet on the wrong horse.

And yes, Ign was really harsh on Wii Music, and they hate all the "casual stuff".

That doesn't mean they would be lying about this. Is it difficult to believe Nintendo hired a company to sell more games? Even if they are selling well, they could be selling a lot more.

It seems to me to be a case of tone and wording. The way it was transcribed (which is accurate to what Matt actually said?) seemed to indicate that software sales for the Wii is unsatisfactory. Doubtless Nintendo wants to sell *more* software, but the implication was that software sales were poor.


Well again, first of all, Matt didn't said that, was Daemon Hatfield or whatever is his name. You are right about the tone and wording. The words he said, and in a serious tone, were:

"Speaking of that, I was talking to someone, I met someone who works for marketing here in the city, and Nintendo is one of the clients. Something they're working with Nintendo right now is.... Nintendo is hiring them to figure out how to sell more games to Wii owners, basically like.... Nintendo is saying Wii owners are not buying many many games, they're just playing Wii Sports"

This is just what Daemon concludes and he could be very wrong with that assumption, but in reality, in the same way a lot of people are buying Wii games, there's also a lot of people who are not. Daemon could be right or wrong, but I think there's a big chance he's right.

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