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I have PS3 and wii and I can't really single one out because they serve rather different purposes for me.

I play my wii with my wife, Boom Blox, Mario Kart, she played through pretty much all of Super Mario Galaxy with the pointer with me, and various other games. So in that regard I do love my wii. Plus there is a handfull of games just for me that I enjoy, such as No More Heroes and Brawl. But it leaves something to be desired in the more traditional department.

My PS3 I love for the more traditional side of gaming, and play it by myself. My Wife has no interest in my PS3 games, so it's pretty much for when I can play a game by myself. I love Dead Space, Valkyria Chronicles, Fallout 3, and a glut of other awesome games that I play on my own or online. I also eagerly await traditional fair such as Killzone, Fear 2, Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy XIII, ect ect. Plus I do use it for blu-ray on occasion. But it doesn't have anything I can play with my wife aside from LBP.

So it really just comes down to they are two systems that I use in two different contexts. I love them both, but I wouldn't trade one for the other.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.