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Think i might be unique in the sense i actually don't think of them in competition with each other. If there is a game i like i will buy it, because a game is on one format does not mean i dislike the others less. I think i've always thought that way about the formats through the generations. They all have their own unique things which as a whole cater to my gaming requirements :)

Now that said i can say in terms of how long i have spent playing each one. I have spent most of my gaming time on the 360. Reason for that is it has shead loads of RPG games which take me forever to get through. The PS3 does not have many if any decent ones. Add to this i spend a lot of time playing against my friends online. The majority of them all have 360's so again normally means i will use that for my co-op addiction. Plus i think even if we all had all consoles we would still prefer to use live then psn as it just seems more solid.
Then after that if i play arcade games i prefer xbla with titles like Braid, takes me back to the old school kind of games.

Overall games wise i have to be honest and say i own more 360 games then PS3 games, and Wii games i own even fewer. I tend to look at metacritic scores to look for new games and the top 20 on 360 is a lot higher score wise then compared to PS3 and Wii. For example there are only 10 games on PS3 with a score above 90. Of those 10 7 are multi-platform. Where as on 360 there are 18 games with a score above 90 and of those 9 are exclusive to 360.
That is proof that the 360 has more acclaimed games then the other 2.

But it is a matter of opinion and we are all different. I like all three consoles the same and love many games on all of them. I'm sure it will continue to be that way.