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I think in the next few months at GDC and E3 we will see the landscape change in terms of games coming out.

MS are a company that most of the time stays quiet about their games. I think the reason they have always been like that is due to respect to each developer. It gives them the limelight to get the games name out. They do this very well. They did it with Gears and BioShock etc. I always felt this was the better way of doing it because in all honesty you can say xyz is coming out in 2-3 years but that does not really mean anything for right now.

A good example of this is the way Sony have gone about things. They tell people what games are coming out long in advance. Sometimes when they are still just concepts i.e MAG. The problem with this way is inevitably there will be delays in games. Sony has had this happen to them many many times. The 360 has had games delayed too, games like Alan Wake etc. but we know so little about it that it doesn't really matter.

Another interesting thing is that the financial results have come in and the two companies are billions apart. MS if they choose can spend a lot of cash on securing exclusives while Sony can't. I think this is why Sony are trying to make more games in house which is a good move.

So in the next few months i think we will see more games announced for the 360 that we have not heard of. One of the MS guys said something like they plan to break the bank at e3.