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LordTheNightKnight said:
Gelmer said:
There needs to be a ranking system for Sony fanboys

Rank One: "Sony Soldier" - Exclusively supports PS3 and Blu-Ray.
Rank Two: "Sony Warrior" - Considers 'HOME' a game.
Rank Three: "Six-Axis Warchief" - Is excited about Killzone2 after having actually played Killzone 1.
Rank Four: "Six-Axis Wargoth" - Thinks Six-Axis is a good thing.
Rank Five: "4D Elite" - Bought Lair and loved it.
Rank Six: "4D God" - Will actually buy the PS-Eye.
Rank Seven: "Miyamoto Slayer" - Thinks the PS3 will dominate this generation.

 Firstly, this isn't just Sony fanboys, and singling out just them makes you look like a fanboy of a rival. Second of all, it's not a matter of degrees. It's a matter of method. This thread shows fanboys, who just happen to be Sony fanboys, being defensive about just a few laughs were are having, to the point of a persecution complex.

 Then again, considering how much this game was hyped, it's not unexpected, although they are denying the game was hyped that much.

 I still thought it was clever, but I'm simple like that.

P.S. fix your sig, it's "too" not "to" 

Sign the Resident_Evil_5_Petition for a Wii release or Dark_Samus is going to come get you.