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Wow. Your such a damn fanboy Disolitude. You downplay Killzone 2 without even playing the demo I'm sure. And then join the bandwagon of other xbots saying the demo wasn't impressive and Killzone is overrated but then complain when users judge Fear 2 by the demo. Your a hypocrite and I don't need to know your life story to tell that, I can see it clearly enough from your post history. I am renting Fear 2, have actually played the demo, thought it played medicore but had increadible atmosphere and would even buy it if Killzone 2 wasn't coming out but because it is I won't get enough value out of Fear 2 to warrant a buy. Seriously, comments like "I'd rather play Alone in the Dark then MGS4" are just plain retarded because you can't play MGS4, you don't own a PS3 and have downplayed every exclusive release to come from the system. I understand that people have their own opinion which is great if it wasn't covered in biased turds like yours. Enjoy any game you want, really do. But don't be such a troll about it.

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