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Ari_Gold said:
Bodhesatva said:

Anyone who thinks this can do Halo numbers is crazy. Any allusions to such a comparison by the developers is intended to stir up hype and anticipation.

Let's be realistic here, folks.


but this is the nintendo forums

If you look back at previous predictions some of the most outrageous claims made by Nintendo fans, like "Wii Fit will be the best selling non-bundled game this generation" and "Mario Kart Wii will outsell GTA 4" have turned out to be remarkably accurate in a large part because of how explosive the sales potential is on the Wii. While I have no expectations of The Conduit outselling Halo 3, I thought that Sega was crazy in predicting that the combined sales of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games would be 4 Million units ... M&S:ATOG will pass 11 Million units combined soon, and will have outsold every HD console game released at the rate it is going.