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papflesje said:
richardhutnik said:
I will comment here by saying that the Helghast leader is cool, in my opinion. Well, cool as a character. Maybe he isn't a good guy, but the voice actor at least got me to want to learn more about the conflict involved, and dig into the history.

That, and the very dusty and apparently dismal state of Helghan environmentally, happened to lead me to wonder why anyone would invade the planet. I know that they invaded first, but the same can be said about Iraq. Anyhow, I posted this thread, and was told pretty much to STFU:

Graphics are great. You don't need a reason to be an invader, the graphics engine is all the justification you need. Now, reading this thread, I am wondering why anyone should want to invade Helghan again. And, does anyone who believes invading Helghan is ok, also support the U.S invasion of Iraq?

Ok, here we go, blowing this thread up into a completely political one.

I haven't bothered to check the other thread you linked, but I think I already answered such a question before, don't know whether it was from you.

Why bother invading?  To eliminate a threat, to end a possible problem.  And if you have read the things those two have been posting, then you would've seen that the helghast planet is a hub planet, serving as a pathway across the galaxy, so leaving that in the hands of someone who has just attacked you in KZ1 is not a very smart move, so that's probably why they want control, regardless of the fact that the planet in itself may be quite desolate and boring.


Yea seriously, read the conversation happening in this thread if you want your answer.

There's a lot going on in the story that explains it.