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Phrancheyez said:
disolitude said:
Im getting them on the 18th. Its not for sale in Canada yet. I don't think Ill use them as I don't see them being ebtter than a Sega Saturn pad which I play all my fighing games with on the xbox 360... but ill get them for shits and giggles.


If you're serious into the game, the stick is better.  I equate it to this:

When I first started learning to type, I used 4 pointer fingers and my 2 thumbs - which only hit the space bar.  With that, I was able to type up to 63 words per minute.  When I started learning to type with all of my fingers, I was much slower and not nearly as good.  Through practice, obviously I got better, and I can now type up to/over 90 words per minute.

In other words, you can get to be good at fighting games using a controller..but you'll never reach the level you could by learning to use a stick.

Yeah... I don't think im that serious

I own a few sticks DOA 4 ones, SC one...but I have given up in trying to play with them.  I never played arcades when i was a kid, mostly sega genesis and we all knew that Sega Saturn was a 2D powerhouse so I mostly played SF games on that system.

When I got in to Street Fighter 3 and played it religiously 3 hours every day on xbox live I played with a stick(X arcade one) and was getting good at using it...however then I found a Sega Saturn to Xbox converter on ebay and that was like a gift from god.

I owe my S ranking in that game to that controller :)

So I have used Sega Saturn pads for fighting games ever since.