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narfwack said:
Lurker said:
Bethesda games are too big for Wii. Morrowind had a rough time running on the original Xbox as it was, and it was at low settings graphic wise.


This again? Come on, I mean how many times do we have to go through this? It's already been explained time and time again that the Wii is more powerful and efficient than the old xbox.


 Let me explain this to you... the Wii's GPU doesn't have programmable shaders.  Can you name me the last major GPU that didn't have programmable shaders outside of the Gamecube? ah... that right... the GeForce 2... that was a long f'n time ago.  Nintendo screwed it's fans by not adding this in.  Oh they saved a bunch of money and they are kings of the console race, but you people who can't see past one console are screwed over.  Now why don't you look at Bethesda's last few games outside of their portable department and show me one that doesn't use asstons of shaders?  You can't just port shader heavy engines over to the Wii... getting the same effect requires a software based solution and that takes cycles away from the GPU and CPU the could be doing other things.  You people seem to think that your the majority of Wii owners, but you're tiny slice... smaller than the PS3 user base in all probability and you have way less push.  These games will be aimed straight at those other people who tentatively pick up Mario Cart racing thinking it'll be to difficult, but are curious about the "wheel controller".