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Dragon Quest X on the WII........ let's just say when they announce that, there won't be much left of the place around here as I would be tearing it down when jumping around out of joy  Same I jumped about the Tales of games, but unfortunate so far it was only a ****** rumor.

Really looking forward to DQ Swords, game looks amazing! Really beautiful months for the Japanese gamers on the WII and those who're not but at least own a JP WII

I'm curious how Paper Mario will sell in Japan, don't see it so far in the top 20 of most wanted games according to Famitsu.

Oh does someone know where you can buy the Weekly Famitsu on a regular base without the ridiculous high amount of shipping rate? Really love to get the magazine. I've checked himeyashop, but they charge about 19USD for shipping only by EMS. Lik Sang no longer excist and Play Asia doesn't sell it anymore except the monthly Wave version.

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