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The art is whats misleading here. It looks very generic and nowhere near the metroid prime series(yes all of them). Comparing it to the art gorgeousness that is the prime series might be unfair but as of now that is the benchmark for FPS on wii.

Technically it runs smoothly and throws a lot of effects around, the engine seems to handle a lot of enemies as well. I would wager that HVS's main goals are; to promote their quantum 3 engine and prove that there is a solid market for FPS on wii.

If they could achieve both goals then they can effectively license quantum 3 to other devs making a solid profit. Seems like a sound strategy and i wish them the best of luck, as if they succeed wii owners would benefit from more quality shooter titles. I'm far from excited over the conduit but i will support their cause.

In the hands of a capable dev in terms of art direction quantum 3 could prove to be a very solid engine. At the very least they could have a moderate hit on their hands and a solid new franchise.