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It's a quality(hopefully) FPS built from the ground up for Wii. That is it's sole selling point, but there are a number of good things derived from it, such as controls, and weapons that would be more awkward to do without the IR pointer.

I don't think it will be phenomenally successful without local multiplayer, but it should sell better than Red Steel at least, and hopefully better than MP:C. Then, The Conduit 2 has a much better chance at success, especially if it has local multi-player.

I wonder though if it will get it's thunder stolen by Red Steel 2. The original may have been mediocre, but Ubisoft may have realized in time that there is a gap in the market waiting for a really good multiplayer FPS with IR controls.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.