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twesterm said:
Solid_Raiden said:
vthokiesrmoo said:

I like the PlayStation store better than XBL Marketplace. Weird that you think so low of it.


 That's because it's sony. You haven't kept up with his post history have you? He's unbelievably biased for some reason. Honestly, if I had been in his shoes and found out what was going on I would have lol'ed at myself and went on but you see how he responds by blaming sony. But of course I was like everyone else and figured this out by myself. I can't believe he designs games. This isn't rocket science. :P


I don't know why people think I hate the PS3 because I don't.  I see something I don't like and I gripe about it.  It's an internet forum and that's what people do so I do.  I would make a thread complaining about friend codes and how I think they're the bane of humanity or the fact I have to turn my TV up so loud I wake the numbers while playing the 360 and using a disc because of the noise from my 360 but those have been done too many times to care and those are things that currently on my mind.

True, I suppose plenty of people have bitched and moaned about the PSN but it's something I was dealing with tonight and something that has been bothering me since the first time I used it.

I guess if it would make you feel better I should list the things I hate about the other consoles?


  • Friend codes are one of the worst ideas ever.  Unless it's Miyamoto (I can forgive him), the person who had the bright idea for those and then decided to bring them to the Wii should be shot.
  • I haven't played my Wii in months because there is nothing new to play
  • My Nyko remote charger is a giant piece of fail
  • The Classic Controller fails because it has a wire coming out of the bottom.  Controllers don't have cords coming out of the bottom because it's inconvenient assholes.
  • I'm paying high money for games on the VC that aren't worth high money

XBox 360

  • It's fucking loud.  My hearing is bad enough as is but adding a jet drive to the background noise doesn't help
  • That constant worry my console is going to RRoD two days after my warranty expires
  • $99 for a wireless adapter is bullshit
  • Hard drive prices are bullshit
  • It's so damn hot (as in warm, not sexy).  In fact, I can't keep anything near it because it gets so hot.
  • The pwoer brick is insane and pretty damn hot too


  • lolpc

Does that make you happy?

And hey, by mean constantly bitching about my PS3 that means I'm playing it more. 

Don't misunderstand. I don't have a single problem with you. I seriously don't. I think your a fair and great mod, a valuable member of this community and I'm sure a great human being in every since of the word. You speak of having a wife and that's something that I can relate to and look up to because keeping a relationship let alone a marraige together takes a lot of sacrifice and responsability. That's great stuff. The only thing I have a problem with is you flurry of anti PS3 threads in the time that I've been a member here. Moreover, many of the times you create said threads there are already a number of other threads bitching about the same exact things. Key in point when you made your anti home thread. I'll tell you right now, I've been in home once, maybe twice max and I think it's a huge pile of crap. But I didn't make a post let alone a thread about the matter because frankly the board was full of that same negativity at the time and it didn't need any more. As a mod you should set an example and not add fuel to the fire. Trust me, I could make an endless number of threads and posts complaining about gaming related matters that just tick me off, I could make a new thread every day. But I won't. And I'm not even completely suggesting you don't make these threads bashing sony, microsoft, Nintendo or anything else. But I would ask that you A) look to see if there is a thread already on the matter, exspecially in cases where there are multiples and B) think about your words a little better. This thread shouldn't have turned out how it did but that's because it shouldn't have been titled or written how it was. It was a simple problem and the members of this community would and were more then happy to help you come to a solution to your problem. I know the internet is serious business, and that it's a negative place you shouldn't bring the kids but we could all do our fair share of bringing the negativity down a bit.


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