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Nickelbackro said:
VonShigsy said:

I already had pasta today...But i can't understand who in their right mind would eat spagetti with meatballs. It 's a crime against cuisine. Perhaps there is no God afterall.

Here is a point of curiosity for Pastafarians. Is eating Spagetti with meatballs a sacriment or an act of Deicide?

Speaking as a Pastafarian, I can tell you that whenever spaghetti is mentioned in the Gospel (the FSM one that is, not the Christian one) it is always mentioned in conjunction with meatballs - except when alternative pasta is mentioned.

Bottom line, it's cool both ways.


Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?