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Wii owner here personal console history has been NES SNES PS1(FF7 launch year Christmas), N64(Zelda launch), Gamecube, PS2, then finally Wii. I am a major FF fanboy I've been playing them since I was 4 years old back on the very first one on the NES but I have to say if Square is adamant on staying with the PS3 I'm sorry I cannot and will not follow them this time. I'm still mad about Sony rootkiting the computers of legitimate customers and messing with their hardware to the point of disabling and damaging peoples CD drives in extreme cases and opening a major exploit vector for the malware authors of the world. Also on the FF issue I think people over estimate its ability to sell consoles the major factor that made our Nintendo loving household pick up a PS1 back then was the greatest hits collection. 20 bucks per game after SNES days of 50-70? Sign me up!!!!!!! People like value and 60 dollars a game with no greatest hits is going to kill them if they don't get that going before FF13 is out. We paid the full 50 for FF7 however we only got the system because the pile of 20 dollar games next to it that made it a much happier Christmas than a N64 would have with its 50 to 70 per game pricing. All that said if Sony can prove to me they've removed their head from their posteriors' 3-4 years from now then maybe but till then they are paying the price of their arrogance and their war against legitimate consumers. I obviously supported Nintendo during their worst years and I'd be happy to do it for Sony too if they can show some remorse for their actions because I did log many hours on my PS1/2. As for Xbox can't support them at all I like competition it makes the market better but the kind of competition Microsoft brings = if they can take control of the market they destroy their competitors and work on forcing vendor lockout. I barely tolerate it on operating systems no thanks on bringing that to gaming systems. I acknowledge that there are games I would like to play on the system and can see why people buy into it but I'm putting my own money where my mouth is and telling Microsoft no. As for my Wii I'm quite happy with it I've always loved Nintendo 1st party and am confident that 3rd party support will be returning this gen just like the DS. It will just take some time nobody expected either of them to explode like they did. I see great value in the system and I enjoy the new controller. The whole thing was surprising for me too as I had not even kept up on what Nintendo was doing with the Revolution till the '06 E3. I was completely with the PS3 and the ridiculous propaganda of the time like how it could drive HD resolution pictures on 20 different televisions at the same time and the theoretical numbers they kept putting up for its processing ability. Then all together I learn about the lies of the CGI Killzone trailer, the rootkit problem, the $600 price tag and then what does Nintendo do they showed me a new simple fun concept at a reasonable price. I was sold which does annoy me that people think any Wii fan is just jumping in because its popular I had made my decision long before the constant news began of Wii being 100 percent sold out in this country for 10 months straight.

Now Playing : Links Crossbow Training(Wii), Super Mario Galaxy(Wii) FE: Path of Radiance(GC)