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flamevizier_34 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
A petition? Why do they need a damn petition? And after what they did with Lair motion controls, I thought people would be petitioning to keep them off of the Wii, or at least to be under some kind of supervision from Nintendo to get the motion controls down.

Im sorry ClaudeLv250 but, are u frekin retarded? Seriously im sorry but i couldnt withhold myself, arrogance just pisses me off.

Rogue Squadron 2 for the Gamecube, much like Metroid Prime was one of the most underappreciated but best games ever for its time. 3rd party developers 5 years into the gamecubes development cycle still havent been able to push the gamecube to that level of polish and prefection that factor 5 has done with rogue squadron 2. Its a god dam launch title and it looks better than most of last years gamecube games is what im trying to say.

Factor 5 may have slipped up on Lair, but regardless its still pretty awesome to look at (hold your thought i know what your gonna say, "but it plays like crap" i know wait). Factor 5 is alot like Retro Studios, both are perfectionists and experts at bringing the consoles true potential to the surface, and playing with all of its strengths. While Lair was pretty awesome and realistic, it had no control. (Admit it tho, when u saw Lair screens you were wishing you wore brown pants). Imagine what they could do on the Wii.


Dont believe me, look at the screens and reviews.


I'm "frekin retarded"? You're a moron. Your entire argument revolves around the glory days of past. Factor 5 needs to do a lot more than just say they want to make Wii games for them to be worthwhile, especially when Lair seems to be part of a downward spiral trend. All of their responses to the Lair debacle have been pointing fingers elsewhere rather than taking up issues with the game's flaws itself, because half-assed motion controls weren't Lair's only problems. It looks as if they're making NO effort to address gameplay design issues that plagued them all the way back on the GameCube. I see no reason to scoop them up onto the Wii bandwagon (where it's easier to mess up the controls) when they've shown no active will in attempting to fix, or at least address, the true issues that plagued Lair. Not until they get their act together.

This isn't even taking into account one of their brilliant ideas for a new Wii game are Rogue Squadron rehashes, most likely with waggle controls tacked on... 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"