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smashchu said:
read below......

  bolded all your statments on why you would be wrong.

What you are doing is making Value Judgements. I can say that competative play is wrong becuase X. What I am actually saying is this: CPU is only seen as bad becuase he does not play in the "traditional" way. The tourneyfags (and they will be called this until they can improve) say it's lame becuase Ken lost. Ken lost becuase he was worse then CPU. Tourneyfags will deny this in saying items were on.

There is a gapping hole in this logic that has a bright neon sign pointing to it. If CPU won only becuase of items, then perhaps there is something too it beyond "Items are stupid". CPU won becuase he could use the items. Tourneyfags do not beleive that items can be used, but are 100% luck and any monkey can won with them. This is a lie. As someone who uses items, I can tell you people lose with items becuase they do not understand them. All the items (save the healing ones) have a wayu around them. CPU won becuase he knew the items and used them.

You say CPU sucks, but put items on and see what happens. By you logic, you two will win just as much. No, CPU will win. He will win becuase he used the items to a greater extent. He will win becuase you can not use the items. I always hated how people say they are so good at the game when all they did was remove all the items, ~50-75% of the stages and halfed the player count to 2 from 4. You are playing qwith 25% of the content. You are playing a basterized game. How can you say you are better if you play on different terms. "Ok, we are going to play basketball. But you can punch people and can not jump." If you do that, then your not really playing Basketball. How can you say if you win that you are better at Basketball? That is what is going on here. You are playing on different rules. Tourneyfags only see EVO are "stupid" becuase Ken did not win. Rather then understand it, they complain.

How to test if items are truely luck

In statistics, the more you do something will be closer to it'stheoretical probability. If you flip a coin 3 times, then you'll have a 1:2 split. Do it four times and you can still have a 1:3 split. Do it 100 times and you might get 54:46 split. The more you do it, the closer you will get. So first, you must have two people (who do not play together) play a lot of matches and record the wins. If it is truely random, then it should be close to 50:50 (with a range of +/- 5). If it is not, then items are not "stupid" or the better player always wins.

The other thing is you need to use tournements to collect real statistics. I can not stress this enough. The problem with banning items in Brawl was there was no tournement results outside of EVO. In a controlled enviornment, you have bias (since there was a predetermined biased against items entering Brawl), and (most of all) the two players know each other in a controlled enviornment. If both play competativly, then they will know how the other plays. There is no way to tell how other people will play. Yoy are only testing by how you play. This does not show what is bad or not. You need to see what other people will do against strangers.


Items qare worthless becuase some people think they are. Basically what you are saying.

The reason the Smash community is a laughing stalk is becuase of this attitude. Rather then approach it logically (they haven't) they say it's stupid are for casuals (a nicer way of saying retard).

Need a reason why people hate tourneyfags. Here is your answer.





Ok now i understand you. Your one of those NON competitive brawl players(cause obviously you use/support/defend items.) Items started being used at the beginning of ssb64/melee and was almost considered for being a standard in brawl but it never happened due to several reasons.

1. They are broken: fans(destroy shields in ssb64 in about 3 hits). Pokeballs(ssb64/melee/brawl some pkmn can kill you if you are at 90%). Smashballs(metas, sonics, samus's can all kill u at 20% if you use them right).

2.Boxes,capsules,party balls all have a 23% chance at explaoding. this can kill u at low percents.

3. The random factor. MANY MANY times ive played people with items and ive lost. Then we play without items and i 3-4 stock them with ANY given charatcer. why is this? OH YEA, its cause they rely on items and rely on the power of the itmes instead of actually using thier brain to defeat me. Dont argue back on this one, you dont get it. i already know.




Ok it is what it is. 99% of all people who are actually GOOD/COMPETE/ will attend tournaments  all agree that items are retarded( reasons are stated above). The point of no items and tournament rules are to pit player vs player on a "even as possible" field of play. Items throw in a random factor that can ruin your chances of sucess.

example: i was playing a peach on battlefield in brawl no items. this match up is prettu much even and the stage gives an advantage to niether of us so basicly the only im going to win is if i out think the peach( i was at 112% and she was at 90%) time goes on she tries to pull a turnip and she gets a bomb instead....i zair her( the grab that turns into an attack in the air) and it goes thru her shield and EXPLODES the bomb and she dies at 90%!!!!!!! Now tell me, she could have very well won that match had it not been for that bomb. items determined that fight, that is juts plain stupid.

Now to tournament stages. You complained that we only use 25 or 1/4th or whatever amount of stages for tournaments. Theres a reason. In melee, hyrule temple was banned at 100% of all tournaments.....heres why: Player X mains bowser and player Y mains fox. They want to play on hyrule temple, so they do. Fox KOs the bowser and then realizes "hey, i can run the rest of the match untill the time runs out and the bowser cant catch me"........and so fox runs and wins the match. How is that fair to the bowser? ITS NOT! so thats why u ban stages that people can run around and stall on. Thats why we use 1/4th of the stage in this game. Its to stop morons like that fox from running the whole match.




ah yes the classic casual smash player insult. Even since melee, casual players(people who like items/stupid stages/think characters like link are the best in the game) have called the people who take the game seriosuly(want to win money/make friends/compete) tourney fags. it started on gamefaqs and has spread to youtube and other numerous websites. And whats funny about it is, we ignore them....ROFL!


All in all i will admit this. Items are fun(they really are) and its a good break from competing. Some times theres nothing better than turning on poke balls, assist trophies and smash balls and doing a 4 player free for all on a custom stage. However, it will never be let into tournie play and it will never be accepted as the WAY to play smash. I have nothing against people who use items or retarded stage( personaly my fav stage in melee/brawl is onett and its BANNED). All i ask is that you  let us competitive player be what we are and we will let you be what you are.


KEN vs CPU and EVO


First off. Ken is the 3 time world champion of MLG and is basiclly consider the best person to ever have played melee(he mained marth). In brawl he picked up marth as his main(marth hasnt really changed since melee) and hes pretty much awesome like always. CPU did not play melee and has not dont anything amazing in his life(in smahs that is). They fought and CPU won. I fully agree CPU used items better than ken. I fully agree that ken lost fair in an ITEMS tournament. Take them to a fair fair stage( or even a rob counter pick stage) and tunr itmes off and i can wager my entire life savings that ken would win. WHY though? Ken can out THINK, out PLAY and out LAST cpu. If you go to smashboards(where the good people go) and ask around, people will tell you that ken is the better player. We all know it. Items determined his match with CPU.......not skill.

Now for EVO, i LOVE EVO! Its picked up smash in melee a few times(some items and some without) and it turned out a sucess either way(more success when items were off) and it did brawl just once(so far). Im sad that evo wont be doing smash this year but its no big deal, we have massive events going on all the time so maybe next year they will learn.




ummmmm, ill be honest. YOUR A MORON!!!!! Smash is the ABSOLUTE biggest fighting game community in the history of fighting games. The biggest smash tournament to ever exist, it was called AXIS(in california), it brought in 308 players from around the USA(and canada). If we are so bad/so stupid with our rules....then name ONE EVENT in ANY other fighting game that has defeated smash in player turn out! You cant. The fighting game community( does not like the smash community because we turned a PARTY game into a FIGHTING game. They dont like that smash doesnt have life meters and closed-in stages and "supers" or "specials" or "ultras". They dont like that we(smash community) is far bigger than ANY of there fighting game scene and that we do our OWN thing. You can deny this all your life but untill im proven wrong(which i wont) this is the way it is. Im not making it out to be this way, its the way the PEOPLE want it to be. So when the term "laughing stock" and "smash" are in the same sentence......i think they mean smash makes a laughing stock out of all other fighting game communities. now dont get me wrong, i love marvel vs capcom 2 just like everybody else but it doesnt hold water to smash when it comes to player turn-out.