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Ok well one day i happened to look upon my email with a beta invite to Killzone 2. Honestly at the time I didn't care. I played the first one, and i liked it. A lot of people called it mediocre. Agreed, but i still throughly enjoyed it. Well I downloaded it logged in and was blown away. Not just by graphics, but by gameplay as well. I was instantly excited for the game in what can only be described as the best multiplayer experience I ever encountered, and I pretty much play everygame I can afford (which is a lot considereing about 90 percent of my paycheck goes to games and keep more poor ) and online games are no exception, especially FPS.

Well the demo came out and to my surprise people complained. I was really really trying to avoid the demo so not to ruin any spoilers but after hearing the community split 50/50 and a friend assuring me there are no spoilers I decided to give it a whirl and see if anything has change. And what i found is... no not really (although i like multiplayer, just from that demo single player is one of the best single player experience as well) so im still left surprised how people can complain.

They wanted something realistic, they got it. The movement of characters including your own are realistic from aiming, to sliding to a stop from a run. This is where people get me. Are people just catered so much with extremely simplicized games such as Halo that they can't get out of "arcade mode" After all that begging for realism, is what people really wanted just a really nice looking arcade shooter like Unreal Tournament?

Then they complain about the controls, when really it's just a change many arn't use to. Personally I have no problem with them and find them perfectly suitable for the game. Ask a few people who played in the beta. Once you get use to them you will be fine and figure out it actually works a lot better.

Imo the aiming is one of the best implemented. It's really nice fluid and realistic even the gun ballistics. I hope once people get into sniping they don't complain either. Sniping actually has balistics in this game which means

1.) have to figure out how much your bullet is going to drop by how far the distant target is

2.)There is wind in the game, and wind will carry your bullet left or right.

Bascily just because you're spot on doesn't mean you're going to hit him. You're going to have to Aim higher then the target, and either a little left or little right depending on the wind.

The one thing that I will say though is usually i have my aiming sensitivity lowered a few notches so it's default setting was exactly what I wanted and my one complaint is exploding barrels placed perfectly which thankfully arn't in online.

Maybe by chance the game was taylored just to my perfect settings. When I was online I was doing damn good in the beta unlocking sniper only on the second day. Maybe it's just people where expecting an arcade shooter. Maybe it's pure fanboysim. I don't know but I really don't see what the fuss is about. The game is fun, and it sets an FPS bar. I don't see a single ounce of "average" in the game.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2