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bigjon said:
lolita said:

You completely missed my point and it's useless to argue you, because whatever I'd say, you'd only bring in the God as described in religions and that's what exactly the oposite of the point I'm trying to bring across. If there is a God, I don't believe him to be as described in any book or religion.


ok, then. IF there is a God than why would have not chosen to reveal himself to anyone. Surely someone has it right, IF there is a God.

Maybe he doesn't want to reveal himself to not claim any glory, no vanity, as he is perfect. He wants to see if we can be good, from the heart and not as fear. And why can't you open your mind to the fact that maybe everyone's wrong (including me)? You said people have a hard time imagining that there is a God because it seems irrational but you seem to think it's irrational that everyone is (maybe) wrong.