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WessleWoggle said:
bigjon said:
WessleWoggle said:
bigjon said:
You tell me I am beyond help and you make no attempt to prove me wrong. GO AHEAD FIND ONE. Just ONE. Please, oh enlightened one.

I have studied EVERY MAJOR religion of the world, some I know more about than others. Like I have a basic knowledge of Buddhism and it roots, I know a bit more about Hinduism and Islam, and The Catholic Church. I also have studied in Depth the major cults in this world Mormonism, JW, Scientology, Hare krisna, The Moonies (Unification Church), Satanism (the Occult in general), Radeonism, The Baha'i Faith, The New Age Movement, Christian Science, The Unity School of Christianity, The united church of religious science, TM, and even freemasonry.

You tell me you know more because the God that you dont even believe exist gave you some special gift? I am sorry, I fear you are beyond hope. Then again I can think of people who hated the idea of God more than you that eventually except him.

The reason that you dont want to believe in God and will with all of your human rationalism will try to reason away his existence is because you do not like the moral restriction his existence would place on you, if there is no God, you do not have to answer for your action someday, and that is how you like it. Isn't it. i don't expect you to admit that. btw.

Prove what wrong? You claim god exists. The burden of proof is on you.

First claim what god is, then prove his existance with observable fact okay? Until then you are wrong, and god is just a concept in the mind of each individual.

You can study any religion you want, doesn't matter if you look at them with bias.

Yes, I believe that the god that I don't think exists gave me the ability to think openly, if there is a god. That 'if' is an important part. If there is a god I believe he gave me the ability to seperate my mind from the burden of worship, and he left that to his sheeple.

We're both beyond hope by the way, our perceptions of reality as a whole are probably both wrong because we're both limited by the human conciousness.

I am beyond hope in believing in god again, unless I consider myself a prophet and consider the voice in my head to be god.

If I did have to go before God and explain myself, I hope we can have a nice conversation about what in my life was true and what was false. Then he will judge me accordly. If God is omniscient, he would surely understand my nonbelief. I'm not a bad person or anything. I would agree that I might deserve to burn in hell for a few years, but not forever.



erm, well you my foundation is that i believe the Bible to be entirely true, so in order to prove me wrong you have to find an error in the Bible, now get looking.

You see, the Bible is my foundation, the Bible say there is a God, and that God wrote it, I have to use faith to accpet that fact. There is nothing else, you cant use reason to come to that conclusion. BUT I find the Bible's perfection to be a sign that it is divine so therefor I believe every word in it. Sounds circular huh? Well it is, but in the center of that is faith, and faith is what holds my beliefs together.

What exactly do you base your beliefs on? Yourself right... Lets see, you a piece of flesh expect to get the correct answers of the universe on your own? O really. Sounds like you need to start a cult and at least make some money of this.

Also, the Catholics teach the idea of purgatory (only suffering a few years for sins), but purgatory has no Biblical bases, it was invented in the middle ages as a fund raiser. You see, that is what caused the Reformation really. They were teaching that people who were just good, died and went to purgatory (Heretics and Pagans went to hell) and they could get them out of there sooner by Paying money to the church. This is how the Sistine Chapel was built.

The Bible teaches excepting Christ is something you do or you dont. There is not in between you either go heaven forever or hell forever. In Revelations 20 it says that Death and Hell are cast into the lake of fire forever. Here is link that talks about it more

There is nothing you can do on your own to get to heaven. Nothing.

I base my beliefs on the cross referencing of everyones observable reality, not just my own, like you. This shows that most religions are likely delusions within the mind. You have the common circular reasoning, 'my religion is true so it must be right', mentality. I'm glad we agree on this, and I do not wish to argue with you any further as you have no solid base for your claim.

I can do nothing on my own to get to heaven? I have to throw away my rational thinking skills, no thank you.

I'd rather 'burn' with my dignity than bow down to some evil god, as I think I said before. A god with such plans deserves no worship. But as I also said before, if there is a God I don't believe he's a douchebag. I believe on faucet of gods being is polarity and to me a static afterlife of burning forever or being with him in heaven forever doesn't sounds like polarity, it sounds like bullshit.



Just because I am what you are called hardline now does not mean I have always been. You a few years back I took a step back from the teachings I grew up with to evaluate it on my own. I would see a personal of a different religion and think, "You know.... in his mind he thinks he is right and has the truth, and this I am lost and confused." That is when I studied the doctrines of each of these religions very closely. I think that is what you are referring to when you say you cross referenced everyone observable reality. I look mainly at Protestantism, Catholism, Islam, Judism, and Athiesm. I quickly crossed out Cath because it claims to follow the Bible too, but errors from it in many ways. Athiesm came down to general revelation, just looking at the order of nature, and complexity of the galaxy points to a maker, I think all men are born with an inner sense of a divine power, and some like you choose to ignore becuase the idea seems irrational. Now since all signs point to a divine power, that means one religion must be right.

ok so now I was down to Judism, Christian (pro), and Islam. I compared the OT prof with the account of Christ birth and it was clear to me that Jesus was the messiah, so that ruled out Judism, and I studied Islam VERY in depth. But when all things were added up it was very clear that Islam is not the true religion.

I put my faith in Jesus, and the Bible. I am 100% convinced I am right, not just because that is what I was grown up believing, but I believe God revealed himself to me, and gave me direction through that process. The Bible has never been proven wrong, and to me alone is proof enough.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut