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TWRoO said:

Consumers don't care for "bleeding edge" tech even though PS3 isn't really that either) if it makes things too expensive.

by 2012 Nintendo will be able to make a console a good bit more powerful than the PS3 for the usual launch price of $200 (the Wii was the first Nintendo console to launch higher than that, and it was mostly due to Wii Sports being packed in)


Yeah, you pretty much got my point ...

We're already at a point where very modest hardware is surpassing the capabilities of the HD consoles, and within a couple of years you would have to be going specifically out of your way to produce a console that was less powerful than the HD consoles if you wanted to produce a platform with that low of performance.

Now, this isn't saying that Nintendo would completely change their approach and produce a "High Performance" console with their next system ... but the real question is "What benefit would there be for Nintendo releasing a system that was less powerful than 6 or 7 year old hardware?"