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1.  Bad button layout with only 6 presets that bugged the mess out of me, if you're going to have presets have more then 6 or do the smart thing and allow for customization, GG should know better as they were PC guys and how important customization is.

No toggle crouch (press and hold is annoying and leaves you with one less finger to use) Note: it amazes me they don't have this but have toggle zoom

No toggling cover (press and hold is annoying and leaves you with one less finger to use)

2.  Invisible walls, I saw a path I thought I could walk to tackle the objective from another route, so it made the game seem linear, no multiple ways to take on a task.

3.  Needless to say I did a lot of tooling around in the demo trying to see where this game innovated or made FPS games on a console better and other then graphics and enemy AI, though that AI was stupid and hoping the final product will be better.  And from the demo I saw little innovation



1.  6 presets are plenty, considering the so many people prefer Alternate 2 because it's just like every other FPS released lately.  Everyone else seems to like Standard 1.  Those are both great options and there's really nothing that needs changing.

Also, you contradict yourself because you say that GG should know from PC development (which is odd because they only developed 1 PC game prior to Killzone and it was 3rd person, but whatever) that you need customization.  But unless you are crazy, you'll be able to adapt to 1 of those 2 best options.  But the contradiction lies in the fact that crouch is always toggle on PC.  I love toggle crouch.  There is very little need to ever hit both of those buttons at once when you used standard 1 because melee is L1.

That's also why zoom is toggle by default beacuse you can tap that and forget holding it.  Toggle for crouch would be annoying because you'd have to hit a button to get out of cover rather than just let it go.  That's why many like zoom hold, too, but that's not really an issue for me.  On PC, zoom is already right click (toggle) and crouch is always hold (usually ctrl for me).  Now that I've gotten used to zoom being R3 (I like melee at L1), Standard is the best option to me, but like I said, those options are great.

2.  Every game has invisible walls.  It's just a matter of where they are.  They seem to all have barbed wire or a huge body of water, though.  The game has multiple approaches and different enemies show up depending on which path you take through the linear gameplay.

3.  I'm really impressed by the AI, and there are 2 difficulties higher than Normal.  I just wish I didn't have to beat the game to get the hardest difficulty.