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jetrii said:
Pristine20 said:
jetrii said:
Pristine20 said:
Garnett said:
jetrii said:
forevercloud3000 said:
WTH? What kind of OP is that? Flaimbait to the extreme.

And I know I cannot be the only one who think they look virtually identical, with only the slightest of differences.

The 360's lights are more intense.
The PS3's shadows are darker.

Neither of these is a graphical feat over the other.

The OP's name is XBOT.......enough said.


Although I have already stated that the difference isn't much, the 360 version does have higher resolution textures, improved shading, and a bit less blurring to cover those textures. I've gone through all of the comparison pictures, and although the difference is minimal in most, the textures on a few of them is vastly better on the Xbox 360. However, people won't notice unless the 2 copies are running side to side and they have an eye for these things.

No PS3 fanboy believe syou,no way a fine piece of hardware like the PS3 is being out done by a raggie half ass machine like the 360 that breaks every 5 minutes and a 90% hardware failure rate,no way in hell that happening,how ever the rest of us know better :)



You know, you have the annoying habit of putting words into the mouths of those imaginary "ps3 fanboys" you dream about and then recalling it to make baseless arguments. You agreed with squilliam about the ps3 version having a lower framerate when he basically pulled the idea out of the blue and you're running around casting judgement on people. Check your eyes buddy. Those "fanboy" goggles you have on are not only foggy but they keep spawning endless spirals of delusion as well.

Maybe you thought using a killzone 2 avatar would make you seem "fair and unbiased" LMAO. What a joke.

Was Garnett being sarcastic? I'm not familiar with his posts so I just naturally assumed he was. If he wasn't then it's a sad day for darwin.



His posts basically reads off as: x360>>>ps3 even with all it's hardware faults and purported inferiority. Then he adds that "ps3 fanboys" are basically delusional for thinking ther crap console is the superior one despite been proven wrong over and over. And then comes the funny part, he then adds "however the rest of us know better".

Track Garnett posting history, he's nitpicked any and everthing he could pick against the ps3 since I've been reading his posts on this site. After changing his avatar to kz2, he then pops a "great console" line in the ps3 20 mil thread and thinks that makes him unbiased. If you ask me, he sounds even more delusional than those imaginary "ps3 fanboys" he keeps conjuring up.


Well, the whole PS3 vs Xbox 360 is a matter of opinion. Personally, I agree with him, I think the Xbox 360 is a superior platform. It may not be more technologically advanced, but I think it is a superior platform nontheless. I just searched through his post history and he does seem to be a little out of touch with reality. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion just as long as it doesn't blind you. He definetely seems blinded.


Well I haven't played a 360 long enough to bother forming an opinion on it and probably won't ever since sony and M$ are pretty much offering the same experience this gen so I won't argue with you on your opinion. However, thanks for acknowledging that my thoughts on Garnett weren't unfounded.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler