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Garnett said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Garnett said:
jetrii said:

I never claimed the Cell did major graphics. However since it's harder to develop for, developers have to neglect other areas in order to properly use it and stay on budget. A lot of comapanies (Sony included) are having trouble optimizing for the PS3 so their games eat up more memory than they should and this happens.

Edit: And yes, the Cell does do major graphics in some titles to compensate for the weak GPU, but that is another discussion.


Not you but everyone is hoping cell can somehow make the PS3 graphics magically better.


That magic works a little like this.....

The Cell architecture is versatile enough that it actually can be applied to the GPU to boost it's capabilities. This is actually a technique utilized by Killzone 2. That is just one of the many things the cell is capable of. Whether all developers utilize these sorts of funtions is up to them.

So yea, the Cell does make the PS3's graphics better then the 360's in theory.


No it cant be because he said that hte game is using 100% of the SPU at some points in game,so they cant change the graphics mid game,so the SPU are being used for the CPU,All the grfx work is being done by the RSX!



Actually, you are both wrong (one more than the other.) In Killzone 2, the cell processor is used to generate graphical data for the GPU. In fact, in Killzone 2, the SPEs are mainly used to generate data for RSX since it is not that powerful of a GPU. However, this has nothing to do with the Cell processor being a godsend, any processor can be used to do this, it just happens that the Cell processor has enough dumb little cores to do this sort of thing, while on a normal CPU the cores would be wasted since they can do more complicated things. The Cell processor is highly inneficient at this but there are 7 of them. Had Sony taken the budget for Cell and developed a more advanced GPU and a simpler CPU, we probably would have had the same result.

Search though my post history and you will find a nice post on why Killzone 2 looks the way it does. Here is a hint: It has nothing to do with the Cell processor and everything to do with Sony wanting a game to push it far so they sank a truckload of money into developing it. Killzone 2 is the result of pure effort, not the Cell processor. Had the same effort been done on a 360 game, it would have looked amazing as well. The reason why developers don't push the Cell (and get called lazy by clueless people) is that it simply is not worth the effort. Why spend so much money on it when that money can be spent making other games?

Good news Everyone!

I've invented a device which makes you read this in your head, in my voice!