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FYI: I don't know if I will be around here much longer. It appears to me that (edit: some of) the children individuals who moderate this forum, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that banning everybody for any and all reasons is a conducive atmosphere for keeping the fanboys in check. You can be banned at random for not posting anything useful, while half the other posts on this forum are completely not useful, you can be banned because a perfectly relevant comment or comparison upset some random asshole, and maybe you can be banned for just being here.

So I'm tired of mods deciding to subjectively ban. If someone doesn't like what you are posting for whatever reason, they can just not read it.

Anyways, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. The leading option right now is to go around reporting every little post I happen to see that contributes nothing to the thread or forum. The irony is that will probably get me banned as well.

This is the one thread on this site that I still like, so I will probably continue to add to the discussion, but odds are pretty good that one of the children carrying tasers will ban me permanently for some asinine reason...