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SD is 480i
ED is 480p (enhanced)
HD is anything 720p and above, so 'hd' by definition would be 720p, 1080i or 1080p, with 1080p being the highest resolution HD available to the consumer, called 'full HD'.

As far as 'true HD', most consumers have never seen it because they haven't been in a multi-million dollar HD broadcasting facility to see uncompressed HD (the only 'true' hd, because the data rate has not been compressed). Uncompressed HD is absolutely beautiful, but it's impossible to get uncompressed HD programming to a consumer set with current technology, because no cable or air medium has that kind of bandwidth.

The closest thing a consumer can see to uncompressed or 'full' HD clarity is from a PC or game system running in 1080p on a high-priced 1080p set that is at least 62", preferably an expensive 3-chip DLP projector ($10,000+) on a nice screen connected via HDMI.
