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If the demographics are so different between the PS3/360 and Wii then why do I see the same people playing all 3 consoles? The Wii simply has a WIDER demographic, not a different one.

For instance, I have a friend who played Halo 2 a ton when it came out, but he also played lots of Animal Crossing. It's like people think PS3/360 owners are all hardcore and don't like the more casual games, but in reality they do. If that were the case then I'd hate Wii Sports. Yet at family gatherings I find myself playing it with my relatives.

I'd also argue the Wii has close to the same amount of hardcore gamers as the other two, because its sales are higher. It just has extra groups that the others don't have. Here's a theoretic example (complete with fake percentages just to get my point across):

PlayStation 3/Xbox 360: Ages 0-5 = 5%; Ages 6-12 = 16%; Ages 13-25 = 48%; Ages 26-39 = 22%; Ages 40-54 = 8%; Ages 55-up = 1%.

Hardcore gamers are more so associated with the middle two groups but especially group 3. So these consoles are pretty hardcore. Sales equal 47.83 million between the two, which means about 23 million PS3/360 gamers are hardcore. Divide it in half for each console and you get 11.5 million hardcore gamers each.

Wii: Ages 0-5 = 8%; Ages 6-12 = 25%; Ages 13-25 = 30%; Ages 26-39 = 22%; Agest 40-54 = 12; Ages 55-up = 3%.

The total Wii sales as of now are 45.56 million, which means about 13.6 million Wii gamers are hardcore. That's 9 million less than the other two combined, but compare each individually and you can see the Wii is clearly on top.