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Honestly I prefer Nintendo's strategy to Sony's.. I like surprises and I don't like waiting.. The Conduit is the only game that hasn't annoyed me in waiting for it.. Probably because of the way the Devs have let us in on what they are doing and what stage of development they are at whereas with polyphony you wonder what in gods name they are doing with GT5 and have no clue when you can expect it..

Nintendo will always lose a list war because you just never know what's in their second half and hey we may even have some first half suprises sprung upon us at GDC..

I understand what you're going through as I feel it too sometimes.. Wondering if Q4 will be better than last year and having a BIG game to look forwad to is always good, The Conduit for Wii is my big game where as 360 and PS3 owners have many of these type games to look forward to in the longer term.

I guess what I'm trying to say is stop complaining lol the games will come, perhaps you should take a look at the back catalog