Gnizmo on 04 February 2009
Interesting that you just use the one line talking points rather than your explanations for why you are right.
Wii is older technology per se and novelty is gonna start to wear off while the initial reaction to a brand new console will also fade away. Xbox360 sales, on the other hand, may very well rise thanks to new releases and a probable price drop, shrinking the sales gap. So, Even though Wii will dominate Japan and take the lead in Europe and overall sales in the world, A global domination is very unprobable thanks to the Solidly Established Userbase of Xbox360 in Americas and the UK.
Seems pretty far off to me. Combine that with the fact that PS3 sales jumped very high starting around October of 07 and built up (until the 360 price cut killed it again) I would say you were dead wrong on number 9 as well . The PS3 has done quite nicely on picking up steam. I point out other flaws, but I am lazy.