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jhlennon1 said:

They dont feel like buying exclusive games which is stupid.

You actually believed them when they said that?

Allow me to enlighten you that Ubisoft didn't give the PS3 a timed exclusive of Haze for free, Rockstar are not making a new IP PS3 exclusive for free among MANY other things where it's been clear that Sony are sweetning deals along the way. Sony saying that was a jab at Microsoft, a stupid and idiotic jab at that.

They also "pay" for exclusives in other ways, the primary of which is publishing third party games.  The original Killzone (Guerilla), Heavenly Sword (Ninja Theory), Lair (Factor 5), LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule), and Heavy Rain (Quantic Dream) are all exclusive because Sony picked up the publishing rights.  Killzone was originally on the PC, Heavy Rain was originally multiplat, and Heavenly Sword was originally being developed for the Xbox/360.

I have a feeling that many of these devs will come on as full time Sony-second party, most likely Ninja Theory and Media Molecule, as they have both expressed very favorable views towards Sony, and have recieved  much in the way of support from the company (financial and hardware support).  Factor 5 has already expressed their strategy of exclusive support for one console per gen, so they'll also stick around at least until the ps4 hits.  As for Quantic Dream, that's a little iffy.  It seems like it was more of a one-time thing, because they were desperate for a publisher, but who knows, they may stick around as well.  And Guerilla, as we all know, was bought by Sony. :)

 But yes, Sony does "pay" for exclusives, in many ways.