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Now I had the time to read MrSticky and Happy posts. 

mrstickball said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but developing a game for the Xbox 360 costs the same amount of money as a Nintendo Wii game. However, since the X360 has far more power available, developers spend more money to use it.

Or am I mistaken? If this is the case, it's the developers fault as opposed to the Wii filling a gap. It's not like games such as the Lego series, Beautiful Katamari, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, or others had incredible budgets on the 360.

It always baffle me when someone think that high definition automatically mean more cost than standard definition.

I mean what cost more: develop Pong for Atari 2600, PS1 or PS3 with their respective resolution ?

The game is so simple that probably only the low level language used to code Atari2600 games will prolong the development more than a couple of days for just one coder.

Disgaea 3 on the mighty PS3 surely cost a lot less than Super Mario Galaxy on Wii.

All depend on the scope of your project and to the fact that to leverage all the candies that console like PS3 or Xbox 360 can produce you need a lot of artist to do the assets.

But here is the point. Systems like PS3 and 360 were positionated on the market by their respective manufacturers like the definitive cinematic experience with the highest production values and a consistent part of those systems' purchasers like those aspects. Thus often productions for those systems try to excel at those aspects.

This doesn't mean that games like Katamari, Disgaea or Guitar Hero can't be on 360/PS3 but it is unlikely that they can shine throught other production that follow the philosophy of the system ( only a differentiation factor could help like in the case of Guitar Heroes and even in that case the Wii is a better platform because they share the same philosophy ).


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.