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I think everyone who has played Halo 3 for any length of time can somewhat empathize with the second video. That may not be you every single game, but for whatever reason on rare occasions you too can be a damned menace of biblical proportions for the other team.

In one game of team slayer I racked up almost fifty kills. I could do no wrong, and I could not die. That and it was like the perfect target rich environment. Everywhere I turned was another easy target. It must be flipping sweet to be like that all the time. I am just not fast on dual analog. Now on Halo PC I was able to get myself banned from dozens of servers for being too damned good. You just couldn't stop my from taking that flag. I was one of those damned bastards that could skip down the cliff on Death Island. So I know they have to be feeling it big time. I just hope they are not grouping and feeling it in Social.