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well I forgot about Uncharted. For some reason I thought it was a mandatory install on HDD required.

Maybe its because I see so many threads on people complaining about the install to HDD for PS3 games. That I figure all PS3 games require some type of install.

@Pristine20 & Kyliedog

Where are you guys? You two were the ones that didn't believe I had a PS3. That pic above is my 80GB PS3 that I have owned for about a year now. I don't bash the PS3. I love all consoles equal.

I have a PSN ID in my sig to not only to let people know I have a PS3 but for some people to add me. If you don't believe me send me a friend request and I will add you.

But don't accuse me or say I'm saying bad things about the PS3 and you know I'm only stating facts.