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FishyJoe said:
Anybody who thinks that the Wiimote is just about waving your arms around hasn't played many Wii games, especially MP3.

I played the Wii for 3 days straight, I played Wii Sports (lackluster length got tried of it quite quickly especially if your by yourself. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition. Only has an new aiming device, which I did enjoy by the way than the PS2 regular screen. But I didn't say that the Wii is trash, I just said its not a primary system I see it being a secondary system something I would play if I got tired of the 360. My interest level on the system when I was over my cousin house was low. I played it for 2 hours and than said I feel like playing Madden 08 and Gears of War or Motorstorm. Its weird, Wii is a gimmick.