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Metacritic and Gamerankings have become in gaming community some sort of prodigies that decide which game is good or bad, and which is worth buying or not. I do agree that it might help making some sort of decisions but many people take rankings too far.

I don't understands some peoples obsession with 90%+ rated games that apparently are the AAA titles that everyone should play, and nothing below that is worth even mentioning. Which is quite ridiculous that title with score of 91% is apparently that much better then the one with 86% for example.

This emphasis on those high scores leads to Gaming community ignoring many titles that still should be perceived as good, because they just in 80's or 70's on metacritic. Are good games no longer good enough? What's the point of endless debates about how great is the Metacritic score of 95? And what's the point of frustration when score goes down? Game is still as good as it was when few reviewers rated it higher? Or does it change when meta score go down, and therefore its no longer a good game. In fact sometimes fresh, unique game that has certain issues can be more enjoyable then another 90% blockbuster with great budget.

Another weird thing is that many fanboys use Metacritic as a form of attack on other consoles, stating that console A does have loads of AAA titles to console B therefore its so much more superior. They attack games on other consoles for not having score high enough.

Well i do not like gaming media/journalism overall (this probably affects my stance), i want to be a journalist myself but in gaming media i see loads of bias, lack of professionalism, fanboyism everywhere. Its really hard to be objective in the World of Video Games but many so called Journalists sometimes are not even trying. Reviewers should be taken into account to certain extent , but their say shouldn't be a guide to gaming.

GTA IV is a great example (it is a good game without a doubt) with a very high score, yet many that have played it know that it does not deserve those scores. Or is really Wii Music as bad as Metacritic Score portrays it?

Why do people tend to look at reviews and scores with such admiration?