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The fact that you use a clearly failed methodology to justify itself is kind of bizarre. Yes, one may make note of general trends and use them to predict other general trends, but using them to predict individuals is fallacious. That's not how statistics work.

Being "offensive" has nothing to do with it - assuming things about individuals based on groups is repugnant because of its inability to produce accurate results. Whether this is just morally wrong or fallacious from a utilitarian perspective is up to debate, but it is still obviously very wrong, and your assumption that KylieDog was a woman is the only example that's ever going to be needed to prove that point.

Your conjecture concerning my personal beliefs holds exactly as much water as it did when I answered your previous post, which you seem to have conveniently ignored.

Why aren't I discussing my "ideology"? because it's irrelevant. You are using fallacious methods, no matter how you look at it, and have failed to provide an explanation for why failed methods should continue to be used.

You're free to make as many demands as you want, but it will not distract from the point that you stuck your foot in your mouth and then, instead of removing it, simply proceeded to chew.