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Whilst Bioshock pulled in an impressive 150000 in its second week in the USA, following an enourmous 400000 opening, its been even more successful in Australia and the UK. 

In both of these regions, the Xbox 360 version of the game has now topped the charts for two weeks in a row, with the PC versions ranking in the top 10 on every occassion as well.  In the UK in particular, Bioshock had the largest debut of any 360 game in history after Gears of War.

Although data in broader Europe is harder to come by for software, one thread here on VG lists Bioshock 360 as number one and Bioshock PC as number 6 in Sweden last week.

Germany was unique in that the PC Bioshock topped the charts in tis first week with the 360 version coming in at sixth.

Having played the game through i belive its a genuine contender for game of the year, so how many copies do people think it will sell worldwide?

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