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Soleron said:
thetonestarr said:
Soleron said:

Because then it would be a PC. It has everything else: media functions, online, hard drive, HD video playback, patches and updates, a browser, USB ports, chat, ...

So then you might as well buy a PC - it'll be a similar price but totally own the PS3 in terms of performance, and you can still play most of the games (certainly all the ones that you'd like to play with a mouse).


That's extremely backwards logic.

Not really. If the PS3 has all of the games, features and downsides of a PC, why not buy a PC that's more powerful for the same price? Consoles are only good value when they differetiate themselves from a PC via controls, not having to worry about updates/patches/bugs, and total integration between software and hardware - all of which current consoles are losing.



Soleron, all you are doing is deflecting, you aren't adding to the conversation.

Keyboard/mice do work with the PS3, in both the default menu, and also when one adds Linux to the PS3.

So, it is *like* a PC anyway.


What would be nice is "given the mouse works by default, wouldn't it be beneficial if more software supported it".