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I enjoyed watching the repeats of the original Star Trek when I was a kid then TNG came out and that was really good.

I never did like any of the TNG movies though I always preferred the original cast ones.

1) Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (really enjoyable and great fun)
2) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (one of the best sequels ever)
3) Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (great follow up/continuation)
4) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (fun but a bit silly)
5) Star Trek : The Motion Picture (great story but too slow, too long and dated)
6) Star Trek V: the Final Frontier (disappointing!)

I'm not sure about this new reboot! JJ Abrahms gets all manner of hype which I'm not convinced he deserves but I'm pretty sure I will go watch it when it comes out!