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Soleron said:
WraithPriest said:
I'll say bleh. I'll be building a new system soon and it's gonna be an OC'd i7, DDR3, GTX295 build.

AMD used to provide so much more performance per pound but now they're less efficient and just not as good value as 4 years ago :(

Yes. AMD doesn't offer anything above $235 (below that they DO offer the best value). But you're a tiny minority of the market.

Also, why did your entire market segment complain that the 4870 X2 wasn't good value when it was the performance leader because it was two-on-one-chip, but as soon as Nvidia does the same you all totally go out and buy one?



Heh, i never complained about 4870X2 being bad value, it was cracking value and it made me feel bad for nVidia at the time.

I didn't buy the X2 for 3 reasons -


1) I had no money at all and what little i did have was being used on things like keeping my car going.

2) I like EVGAs cards and that means buying nVida cards.

3)I'm a bit of an nVidia fanboy because my friend used to work for them and they let him start as a teaboy at 15 before he got moved up and started helping with various more advanced things. So basically from everything i saw they treated their staff really well.


I'll admit, i was a bit gutted when the x2 came out because i'd expected the jump to the GT200 core to be as big as the jump to the G80 cards was.

"Everything I tell you is a lie. Every question I ask you is a trick. You will find no truth in me."

WraithPriests PC:                

4GB OCZ Reaper X PC8000
GTX470 (774/1548/3900)    
nForce 780i MoBo
1.25TB HDD (1x1TB, 1x250GB)
A+ El Diablo 2 Case
Vista x64