Riachu said: When you take damage just from falling if you actually land on something. |
lol, thinking about fall damage reminds me of Half-Life/Source based games where you could survive a fall from any height as long as you landed in water, even it if was an inch deep.
- Too much sex appeal in games: I'm all for drooling at a pretty looking girl, but many games are taking that too far with breasts the size of bowling balls.
- Annoying briefing segments while in-game: These are when the game is explaining your objectives to you while you have no control over the camera as it flies around the level. These tend to feel too forced in both the look and many times, voice acting.
- Catchup AI: Motorstorm can be fun, but it ruins the feeling of triumph when you do all that work to get ahead and all of a sudden the game cheats to allow the AI drivers to beat the crap out of you.
- Unfair AI: Kind of like above, but this is more associated with shooter games. Lets take Resistance 2 for example. If you so much as stick your toes outside of cover, every enemy in a half-mile radius will instantly turn to you and immediatly charge at you. I know that it sort of makes sense as far as the story of Hale and his chimerian connections, but it just makes for a frustrating experience. Not only that, the enemies know you're aiming at them like they were all bitten by radioactive spiders that gave them the ability to sense danger.
-Feeling like everything is dependent on you: I like feeling immursed in a game. I don't want to feel like the goto guy for EVERYTHING.
-The main character not having a name and/or voice: I'd say one of the games where this works well is Half-Life 2 where you play everybody's favorite mute, Gordon Freeman. Then you have other games like F.E.A.R where not having a name or voice makes it very difficult to connect to the story. Mainly, I'm tired of hearing things like "Hey you!" or "Hey buddy!" to address the character I'm playing as, it kills the immersion for me. Like with Final Fantasy X, I think it was stupid that you could rename Tidus because it would sound so forced and akward when characters talked to him because the dialog had to be delivered incase you changed his name. It worked in earlier games because there was no voice acting, but it doesn't hold up here.