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Mario Galaxy would have been a lot better... no, I'll say it could have been a lot better with a gamecube controller. I did not like not having very much control over my camera most of the time. I felt that it was mainly because the lack of the standard 2nd analog. Having it there as an option would improved the camera a lot. I also think that it, along with more buttons, would have made water levels better.

Wii Sports is a bad game with or without the Wii mote so I don't think it matters much.

As for Metriod, I don't like FPS so my opinion is pretty biased. Heck, I don't like COD4's controls on any platform.

The 2nd best game that did motion controls good was the DBZ game IMO. I thought that game was really fun, and it's still one of my favorites. Though, it's obvious that a normal controller is better for fighting games.

No, I disagree. It's not the developers, it's just the Wii being limited. My main problem is that Nintendo didn't try and add motion controls. Instead, they stripped everything down and tacked them on as a replacement. I'll put it like this: The Wii mote is basiclly what the DS would be if Nintendo took away all the buttons from the GBA and added a touch screen with just a d-pad. It would suck.