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Hate, eh? First that comes to my mind is RockStar, because of what they've done to make a game need to be "mature." (Not to mention the bugs that their games are filled with.

Next would be Ubisoft. They've said that their Wii and DS games are to fund their "real games" on the PS3/360. How's about you make a real game for those, then, and not all your shovelware crap?

Third would be Square-Enix. I'm sorry, but they sold out, and their games aren't anywhere near as good before the merger; the gameplay and story was thrown out the window for "ooh, pretty!" graphics. Not to mention if I wanted to watch a movie, I'd buy a movie. I just bought a game, I want to play something! (And on that note, I should include Konami for the same crap in MGS4.)


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...